Formaldehyde - It's in our air?
Formaldehyde – It’s in our air? It’s amazing the air that we breathe in our homes. The air we breathe could be contaminated by simply all the new things we buy. Recently Dyson just came out with a new air filtration system focussed on formaldehyde. Little did you know that most of the new products that you purchase, furniture, mattresses, food, cleaning products and even your own body can create formaldehyde. Most of these new products in a few hours will dissolve (mix) into the air we breathe.
It is recommended that having your ducts cleaned and furnace fan cleaned out is critical to ensure that you have the cleanest air to breathe. Other recommendations include using your stove vent fan and further reducing the humidity levels with air conditioners and dehumidifiers will also help.
When the wrapping is removed a small amount of it is released into the air. It was stated though the amount of released formaldehyde from new products purchased is so minimal that it doesn’t really pose a danger to anyone.
Dyson is releasing their new product worth almost $700 USD. Speaking with clients and customers Vacu-Man helps with providing your home and office with fresh air circulated through your duct and furnace blowerfan system. This is one area we do not feel is required to clean your air or critical for your home for breathing clean air. It might be a great Christmas gift for that person that has absolutely everything! After reviewing the product, internally we realize that the release of the minimal amount of chemicals from new purchase of products is not necessarily a danger to the air we breathe in our home according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. If you were thinking about purchasing this product Our advice is save your money.
Ironically…the cost of a dyson filtration system is double the average price for duct cleaning from Vacu-Man. We clean the whole house air system vs. just a room! But then again we are biased…it’s what we do!