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Ontario Debt Clock

How it works

The Ontario Debt Clock depicts an estimate of the current debt based on the “Net Debt” from the latest Ontario Budget. Ontario’s debt is currently increasing by over $1000.00 every second and is expected to reach nearly $430 billion during this fiscal year.

It is important to spread awareness about Ontario’s increasing debt in order to educate people across the province. We have made it easy for companies to add the debt clock to their websites, simply by copying and pasting the code provided below.

Add it to your website

To add the Ontario Debt Clock to your website just copy & paste the following code onto your page:

<iframe src="https://vacuman.com/debt-clock/ontario/" width="320" height="134" style="border: none; overflow: hidden;"></iframe>

As a family run business, we at Vacu-Man know all too well the burden that debt can place on a small business. We’ve been in operation for over 45 years, and in that time we’ve survived through many recessions and changes in government. Now, the debt of the province is the responsibility of all Ontario residents. This debt clock is designed to bring awareness to the people of Ontario of just how much each of us owes. The price is only going up, and it’s important that we handle it just like any other debt. Please share and be aware of how this impacts us all. Thank you.