Duct Cleaning

Dust gets in the house especially when the warm weather comes. It makes us want to open the windows and enjoy the fresh air. We’ve been cooped up not only with a quarantine due to covid but also because of the cooler weather we’ve had. During the winter weather sanding, salting of the roads tends […]

Vacu-Man is an essential business and we are here to help. Business lockdown is not a shutdown. As the province of Ontario goes into another lockdown, we are here as an essential service providing cleaning of your air duct systems, your dryer vents and your furnace. As the warmer weather approaches you’re probably inclined to […]

Cleaning air ducts for allergies
Spring has finally arrived, and with it comes the pollen that causes so many people suffering from allergies. It is estimated that over 50 million Americans suffer from some form of allergy, and for many of them, springtime is the worst time of year. While pollens from trees and flowers are the most common triggers, […]