
VM - Celebrating a Cleaner, Healthier Christmas The Vacu-Man Tradition of Excellence in Furnace and Duct Maintenance

This Christmas: Furnace cleaning best practices

As the festive season approaches, the focus often turns to decorating homes, planning family gatherings, and indulging in holiday treats. Yet, there’s an unseen aspect of holiday preparations that’s equally important for a joyous and healthy celebration: maintaining a clean and efficient heating system.  This is where the expertise of Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning, […]

VM - What Your HVAC Technician Wishes You Knew

What Your HVAC Technician Wishes You Knew

When it comes to keeping our homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer, the HVAC system is the unsung hero. We only seem to notice it when something goes awry. But there are things your HVAC Technician wishes you knew that could save you time, money, and unnecessary headaches. Understand the Basics […]


Why clean dryer vent? The bigger question… why are you NOT cleaning your dryer vent? These are just a few reasons to why you should clean the dryer vent! These are just a small few items to why. The list also includes, there are many things that can end up in your dryer vent. Other […]

VM - Declutter Your Life, and Your Ducts!

Declutter Your Life, and Your Ducts!

Ah, decluttering! It’s the magical method of stress relief that seems to be all the rage these days. Marie Kondo taught us how to toss anything that doesn’t “spark joy,” but did you know that your living space isn’t the only thing that needs decluttering? We’re talking about the unseen but ever-so-important aspect of your […]

VM - Duct Tape Can't Fix Everything When It's Time for a Duct Cleaning

Duct Tape Can't Fix Everything: When It's Time for a Duct Cleaning

Ah, duct tape—the universal solution for makeshift repairs and quick fixes. While it can repair a leaky garden hose or hold together a pair of glasses, let’s be honest: duct tape is not your friend when it comes to keeping your air ducts clean. Here’s the lowdown on when duct tape just won’t cut it […]

VM - Top 5 Furnace Cleaning Mistakes You're Probably Making

Top 5 Furnace Cleaning Mistakes You're Probably Making

We’ve all been there: It’s getting cold outside, and you crank up your furnace only to realize that it’s not functioning as it should. Suddenly, you remember you haven’t cleaned it in a while and decide to give it a quick dust-off. But beware! There are Furnace Cleaning Mistakes that many homeowners make, and you […]

VM - Old Home, New Ducts Why Age Matters in Duct Cleaning

Old Home, New Ducts: Why Age Matters in Duct Cleaning

When it comes to houses, age is more than just a number. While older homes boast timeless architecture and undeniable charm, they often carry some “baggage”—specifically, in their ductwork. Yes, we’re talking about years, or even decades, of accumulated dust, debris, and dander that might be lurking in your ventilation system. At Vacu-Man Furnace and […]

VM - Keeping It Fresh How Clean Ducts Improve Indoor Air Quality

Keeping It Fresh: How Clean Ducts Improve Indoor Air Quality

When we think about air quality, our minds often wander to smog-filled cities or pollen-laden fields. Rarely do we consider the air inside our own homes. Yet, your indoor environment can be just as affected by pollutants, and that’s where the term “Indoor Air Quality” steps into the limelight. What Is Indoor Air Quality? Indoor […]

VM - How to Prepare Your Home for Professional Duct Cleaning

How to Prepare Your Home for Professional Duct Cleaning

Are you suffering from dusty corners and sneeze-inducing air? Does your home seem to have a permanent, mysterious aroma? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then it’s high time to consider professional duct cleaning. But before you pick up the phone to schedule an appointment, there are a few things you should do to […]