Duct Cleaning

Common Air Duct Issues You May Be Facing

Common Air Duct Issues You May Be Facing

Air ducts are pipes or tubes that link your HVAC system to the air vents. Usually, there are two routes: the supply register and the return register. The supply register passes cool or warm air from your HVAC system into the house. On the other hand, the return register takes the stale air and pushes […]

Useful Tricks To Improve Indoor Air Quality

Useful Tricks To Improve Indoor Air Quality

The quality of the air we breathe in is important to our health. Perhaps, you have heard this a million times, but did you know that bad air quality can have adverse effects on your health? Studies have proven that bad indoor air quality is capable of causing lung cancer in homes. Poor air quality […]

duct cleaning oakville

Is Duct Cleaning Necessary?

The simple answer is yes!  The furnace (that large machine in your basement or attic) keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.  Duct Cleaning history Duct Cleaning began around 1902 when a device was developed to push air over coils. In 1906, the addition of an atomized sprayer. Water filled ducts […]

restrict air flow

Restrict air flow could be why room not getting heat?

Air flow is an essential aspect of your home’s HVAC system. It is what makes your home comfortable to live in by ensuring proper temperature control and air quality. However, if your home’s air flow is restricted, you may be dealing with several issues, including rooms not getting enough air. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Common sign you need your air ducts cleaned

Common Signs you need your air ducts cleaned

If you live in Hamilton, it’s important to keep an eye out for common signs that your furnace or air ducts may need to be cleaned. By addressing these issues promptly, you can help ensure that your home is comfortable and energy efficient, and that you and your family are breathing clean air. One reliable […]

Indoor Air Quality - Vacu-Man duct cleaning

Indoor Air Quality - You might consider duct cleaning

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a key concern for many people, especially as we spend more time than ever indoors. Poor IAQ can cause a range of health problems, including respiratory infections, headaches and fatigue. You might want to consider air duct cleaning as an option. It can also exacerbate existing conditions such as allergies […]

The Benefits of Commercial Duct Cleaning

The Benefits of Commercial Duct Cleaning

Irrespective of what your commercial building looks like, there’s one thing your building has in common with all other commercial buildings – an HVAC system. Air ducts are essential to how efficient and effective your HVAC system will function. These ducts are what channels hot and cold air through the system into different parts of […]

Update Your Thermostat Schedule

Update Your Thermostat Schedule

Whether you run a central heating system, furnace, heat pump, or an air conditioner, you’ll need a way to adjust or create a temperature schedule that will make you comfortable. For instance, as you head towards winter, you’ll want an indoor temperature range that’s higher than your typical summer temperatures.  Before the invention of thermostats, […]

kijiji duct cleaning

Kijiji duct cleaning

Kijiji duct cleaning and you will see some very interesting options. In fact, you’ll see multiple options for duct cleaning for $99 or $100 to clean your vents, registers and some even offer sanitizing. These flat rate fees include an unlimited amount of registers and vents. What are you actually getting? Like anything with kijiji […]