Dryer Vent Cleaning

Best startup canada business in air duct and furnace cleaning

Best Start-up Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning Business.

Best Start-up Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning Business. Best Start-up Furnace and air duct cleaning business goes to Vacu-Man! It’s amazing since we’ve been in business for over 40 years as a furnace and air duct cleaning company that began with the founder (father) Stephen Oldfield driving around door knocking, this business is now growing […]

santa approves vacu-man


SANTA APPROVED! VACU-MAN FURNACE AND DUCT CLEANING COMPANY It is with great pleasure to announce that Santa and the elves chose Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct cleaning. Vacu-Man is approved by Santa himself to clean his home furnace and the workshop HVAC system. Based on Vacu-Man years of experience. The dedication to cleaning properly the air […]

dryer vent cleaning from outside


Cleaning dryer vents from the outside is just as critical as doing it from the inside.  Dryer vent lint gets stuck from the back of the dryer to the outside vent quickly depending on the amount of laundry you do.  Dryer lint will clog over time and restricts airflow. The result is clothes take longer […]

line of laundry machine in the store

How Much Should Dryer Vent Cleaning Cost?

Vacu-Man has been cleaning ducts and furnaces for over 45 years but we also clean dryer vents.  This is an appliance that is more likely to cause a fire in the home than any other appliance that you have. Vacu-Man is committed to your safety, and that’s why we’re sharing some tips on how to […]

Dryer Vent Prevention

Dryer Vent Prevention

Dryer vent prevention is critical. You want to get the lint out. This includes from the back of the dryer and ensuring that the dryer vent pipes leading outside are also cleaned. The major challenge with dryer vent lint  is that once it builds up all it takes is a static electric spark and you […]

dryer vent cleaning from outside


3 REASONS DRYER VENT CLEANING IS IMPORTANT DRYER FIRE First, lint buildup can be a fire hazard. Dryer vents should be cleaned on a regular basis to prevent this from happening. Dryer fires are a serious hazard. According to the US Fire Administration 2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year. They can cause […]

New Dryer, clean the dryer vent

New Dryer? Clean the dryer vent.

Upgrading to a new dryer may seem like the solution to faster, more efficient laundry days, but it’s important to consider all factors before making the investment. While newer models may boast more advanced features (smart devices, connecting to your apps etc), older dryers tend to be built to be durable and solid and can […]

white plastic dryer vent hose


Do you have White Plastic Dryer Vent Hose? When speaking with customers, one question that we often hear is whether or not they have white plastic dryer vent hose. For those who answer yes, we typically advise that there is not much that can be done, other than replacing it or having a contractor assist […]

Clean out the dryer vent time!

Clean out the dryer vent time! Dryer vent spring cleaning is a great time to remove the lint from the back of your dryer and from the pipes that exit your home. If you’ve got a dryer… you have dryer lint.  You probably clean the lint in the dryer itself, but over the months and […]