Furnace Cleaning

VM - Ecobee furnace announcment - Feb 20

Embracing the Smart Thermostat: A Modern Guide to Furnace Maintenance

In the ever-evolving world of home automation, the smart thermostat emerges as a beacon of technological advancement, revolutionizing how we interact with our heating systems. At Vacu-Man, with over 40 years under our belt in furnace and duct cleaning, we’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of smart thermostats on home heating efficiency. Yet, this leap […]

VM - Combating Dry Winter Air The Role of Clean Ducts in Maintaining Humidity

Combating Dry Winter Air: The Role of Clean Ducts in Maintaining Humidity

As the cold winds of winter sweep through Burlington, Hamilton, and Oakville, the drop in temperature often brings with it the discomfort of dry indoor air. The battle against this dryness isn’t just about comfort; it’s a matter of health and home maintenance. A key player in this seasonal struggle is often overlooked: the state […]


Moldy Marvin’s Last Stand: A Vacu-Man Adventure in Duct Cleaning

In the hidden realms of your HVAC system, there lurks a dapper but dastardly villain known as Moldy Marvin, the Duke of Damp and Darkness. This member of the “dusty duct dwellers” – a notorious crew of mischief-makers – thrives in the moist shadows of your furnace, plotting to spread spores and spoil the air […]


Dust to Dust: The Vacu-Man Way to Defeat Allergy Season Invaders

Spring has sprung, and with it comes the not-so-welcome guest for many: allergy season. Picture this: a grand ballroom, elegantly adorned with flowers, where the belle of the ball, Allergy Alley, dances through the air. But unlike Cinderella, Allergy Alley isn’t the kind we welcome with open arms. She’s a member of the notorious “dusty […]

Allergies in the home

Vent Cleaning services help with clean air?

We all breathe…Why not have clean air? All humans breathe and require clean air to do so. We all do it without thinking. We inhale and exhale over and over again. 22,000 times a day we breathe to be more precise according to the Lung Association. Vent cleaning services can help breathe those 22,000 a little better! Our […]

Best startup canada business in air duct and furnace cleaning

Best Start-up Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning Business.

Best Start-up Furnace and Air Duct Cleaning Business. Best Start-up Furnace and air duct cleaning business goes to Vacu-Man! It’s amazing since we’ve been in business for over 40 years as a furnace and air duct cleaning company that began with the founder (father) Stephen Oldfield driving around door knocking, this business is now growing […]

Holiday duct cleaning

The holiday season is a time for celebration and the chance to spend time with loved ones. Vacu-Man furnace and duct cleaning understands the importance of this special time, which is why they offer a fast and effective duct cleaning service. Vacu-Man’s experienced professionals make sure that your heating system is running at its optimal […]

Brampton Duct Cleaning scam

Brampton Duct Cleaning - Beware of scam

Best One Cleaning Cleaning is a duct cleaning company that recently came under fire for impersonating another duct cleaning company called Vacu-Man Furnace and Duct Cleaning. This unethical behaviour is not only illegal, but it can also harm the reputation of both companies and cause confusion and inconvenience for customers. Here’s what happened: Best One […]